Keyless Entry Systems for Garage Doors
Keyless Entry Systems, Garage Doors Quality Services
Need Keyless Entry Systems?
Call Around the Clock Garage Door Now (650) 489-6631
Keyless entry systems on your garage door is a keypad mounted in your garage door, which allows you to open it by entering a code. They work a lot like your key chain or a in-vehicle remote. Keypad openers can be wired in the garage door as well as they can be a wireless remote. They also use batteries, as any other remote portable devices. When you need to install one in your garage door, you will need a professional technician to help you with that. Around the Clock Garage Door company provides a full set of services for your garage doors, including repairing, installing, setting up and adjusting the entry systems.
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The keyless entry systems on your garage doors are not the security system. Many people get a sense of security with the keypad on their garage door, but it false. It’s important to remember that for the security purposes it’s better to have a separate alarm installed. However, some keyless entry systems do allow to add on some security features. Like a panic button or one-touch emergency dialing.
Looking for Keyless Entry Systems for the Garage Door? Call Us (650) 489-6631
Advantages of Keyless Entry Systems
The keyless garage openers allow you to program multiple codes in the keypad. This is a convenient way to get inside your house without a key. For example, if you locked your keys in the house, you can still get home through your garage just using a keyless keypad. Also, you don’t have to carry around the remote since the keypad mounted into your garage door. Thus you will eliminate a chance of losing the keys and having to get a replacement.
On the other hand, you should be cautious when you get a keyless entry system. Since it’s mounted outside, it is open for weather damage or vandalism. Also, if your keypad has a limited number of codes you can program, that means that some users will have to share a code. So, if you must change a code to eliminate one person’s access, everyone will have to remember a new code.
But still, keyless entry systems are convenient. If you’re installing a new garage door, or just repairing your existing garage door, consider adding a keypad opener for extra convenience. It’s worth the investment because you’ll save time and money waiting for a contractor to open your garage door or waiting for a locksmith to get you inside your home.
Need Garage Door Keyless Entry Systems? Call Us (650) 489-6631